Medal Art exhibition at Canterbury Museum

by Rejigit Ltd

Rejigit visited an Exhibition of New Zealand Medal Art; level three at Canterbury Museum until Nov 6th.

Medal Artists of New Zealand's 25th Anniversary Exhibition covers the work of contemporary Medal Art and includes more than two hundred pieces crafted by thirty three New Zealand artists over the last twenty five years. Generally speaking, exhibited pieces are no larger that the palm of a hand and the detail of work in each piece is amazing.

Exhibiting artists are: John Andrew, Frances Battersby, Nigel Brown, Bing Dawe, Louise Dentice, John Edgar, Robert Ellis, Fatu Feu’u, Charlotte Fisher, Marian Fountain, Fiona Garlick, David Guerin, Paul Hartigan, Bill Hayes, Christine Hellyar, Samantha Lissette, Christine Massey, Richard, Mathieson, Mary McIntyre, Hamish McWhannell, Richard McWhannell, Neil Miller, Juliette Milne, Stanley Palmer, Alan Preston, Louise Purvis, Michael Reed, Terry Stringer, Wallace Sutherland, Marte Szirmay, Greer Twiss, Jim Wheeler and Peter Woods.

Members of Medal Artists of New Zealand have a variety of backgrounds including silver-smithing, ceramics, jewellery, painting and sculpture.

The exhibition has been developed and is toured by Medal Artists New Zealand with support from Progressive Castings Ltd, Regal Ltd and the Wallace Arts Trust.

The exhibition demonstrates exceptional skill on the part of exhibiting artists and the intricacy of the works is extraordinary. The exhibition is worth a visit and with the exception of few areas, it is pleasing to see the Museum operating almost in pre-earthquake conditions and better.

By way of example, one of the exhibiting artists is Bing Dawe who graduated from the University of Canterbury's School of Fine Arts with a Diploma of Fine Arts in 1976. The artist is recognised as one of New Zealand’s most prominent sculptors and artists. His impressive career involves very many aspects of the art world spanning more than thirty six years and in 1999 he was the winner of the Wallace Visa Gold Art Award.


                                                               Inanga-Galaxias, Maculatus 2015 Bronze & Painted Steel


                                                                 Common River Galaxias 2015 Bronze & Painted Steel


                                                                          Alpine Galaxias 2015 Bronze & Painted Steel



Unfortunately this blogger's very modest art collection includes only one example of Bing Dawe's work; a limited edition Print 8/100  "Darkside / Flounder"  dated 2007. The original lithograph is held by Te Papa.